Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Comparison of two Nursing Education System Essay
Examination of two Nursing Education System - Essay Example Subsequent to going into China, the Western preachers apparently took numerous local Chinese nationals into the minister clinics and nursing schools for preparing. By 1923, about 32% of all medical attendants in China were those from evangelists. The impact of the Chinese nursing calling by America was likewise significant. Indeed, numerous individuals accept that the American impact of the Chinese nursing calling is pretty much equivalent to the impact it has had on the Chinese clinical instruction. Miss Gage, an eminent enlisted nurture, is one such American whose effect on the nursing calling in China is exceedingly significant. In the wake of showing up in China in 1908, she set out on setting up a medical caretaker preparing program as a major aspect of her crucial Changsha to help teach local Chinese individuals. Her nursing preparing program empowered numerous Chinese nationals to take a crack at nursing (Xu, Xu, and Zhang, 2000). Not at all like in China where nursing trainin g was presented in 1888, nursing instruction in Ireland was presented in the mid 20the century. This follows the presentation of another model of nursing instruction as an option in contrast to the apprenticeship model. Simultaneously, not at all like the Chinese nursing training framework that was affected for the most part by the Western teachers, the Irish nursing instruction was impacted for the most part by the European Economic Community (EEC) following its entrance as an individual from the network in 1973. For example, the EEC’s 1979 request for general nursing required common acknowledgment of capabilities in all European part states. What's more, the 1989 EEC order that necessary 4,600 hours of functional and hypothetical preparing in all European part states enormously affected the nursing training framework in Ireland (O'dwyer, 2007). The Irish medical attendants, in contrast to the Chinese medical attendants, likewise assumed a significant job in changing the nur sing training in Ireland. This follows their uproar for changes wherein the Irish attendants took to the road in 1999. This constrained the Irish government to consider nursing training fitting for the improvement of the nation. This prompted the foundation of nursing preparing schools in the nation. (O'dwyer, 2007). Government and Nursing Organizations Influencing Nursing Education: Comparison of China and Ireland In china, nursing preparing was affected by various associations and government office. Among the associations that affected nursing preparing in China incorporate the Perking Union Medical College (PUMC), which was the principal university nursing program in the nation. It impacted nursing preparing by building up a world class instruction and administration program like those of the West. The State Planning Commission and Ministry of Education additionally affected the nursing instruction framework in China (Hong and Yatsushiro, 2001). The Irish nursing instruction, the n again, was impacted by government offices, for example, Irish Nursing Board, which animated the foundation of a college to prepare nurture in Ireland. The Irish Matrons’ Association likewise assumed a significant job in affecting nursing preparing in Ireland. It did this by dispatching a report that featured the requirement for a medical attendant preparing establishment in Ireland. The Commission of Nursing made by the Ministry of Health in 1997 additionally got huge change
Saturday, August 22, 2020
buy custom Developing an Implementation Plan essay
purchase custom Developing an Implementation Plan paper As per Laux and Herbert (2006), ventilator-related pneumonia, a contamination of the aviation route, is the most widely recognized disease obtained from medical clinics among precisely ventilated patients. It has been known to grow over 48 hours after mechanical ventilation commencement. 6 to 52 of 100 patients requiring mechanical ventilation create ventilator-related pneumonia. Around 1 to 3 percent of precisely ventilated patients are in danger of creating ventilator-related pneumonia day by day (Stonecypher, 2010). The part of ventilator-related pneumonia that inconveniences human services experts is the high related mortality. Al-Tawfiq and Abed (2010) referenced that 46 percent of patients requiring mechanical ventilation who created ventilator-related pneumonia bite the dust, while medical clinic mortality of patients without ventilator-related pneumonia is just 32 percent. As indicated by Cutler and Davis (2005), ventilator-related pneumonia patients are bound to include an e xpected measure of $40,000 to their clinic charges against an average hospitalization cost. This is because of the way that these patients are required to experience delayed escalated care and administrations. For this situation, social insurance experts composed a system concentrating on distinguishing ventilator-related pneumonia at a beginning period. Moreover, they additionally adjusted consistency in the utilization of proof based practices. These measures are performed for the decrease of ventilator-related pneumonia rate. Issue Description In the creators clinical office, precisely ventilated patients who have created ventilator-related pneumonia have encountered an expansion in emergency clinic mortality and horribleness, higher hospitalization charges, and longer hospitalization. As indicated by their information survey, the quantity of patients with ventilator-related pneumonia arrived at 8 percent from August 2, 2010 to January 29, 2011. The survey likewise uncovered that social insurance experts neglected to put a lot of accentuation on oral consideration, in spite of the fact that they have a group program for ventilator-related pneumonia to forestall its prompt turn of events. Great oral consideration despite everything demonstrated its significance in the anticipation of ventilator-related pneumonia dependent on noteworthy number of proof based looks into. As indicated by Cutler and Davis (2005), most patients requiring hospitalization have pathogens in their respiratory tract, in contrast to typical solid grown-ups. At the point when the respiratory state of these patients compounds, the respiratory pathogens are bound to small scale suction into the respiratory tract. For this situation, the patients danger of respiratory pathogenic smaller scale goal can be mediated through appropriate oral consideration. This procedure is essential in the counteraction of ventilator-related pneumonia advancement. The significance of legitimate oral cleanliness upkeep is key in the anticipation and decrease of ventilator-related pneumonia. Notwithstanding, this is customarily the most dismissed procedure. Human services experts will in general think of it as a lower need mediation contrasted with other complex intercessions. Appropriate oral consideration and sterile techniques for precisely ventilated patients have for quite some time been a reason for significant worry to medicinal services experts. At the creators office, for instance, there are irregularities in the presentation of precise oral appraisal during the patients remain in the Intensive Care Unit and furthermore during the confirmation of these patients. Albeit most medical caretakers and social insurance experts know that legitimate oral cleanliness is huge in the avoidance of ventilator-related pneumonia, they despite everything will in general disregard to place it by and by in a steady way. Accordingly, ventilator-related pneumonia has ascended from 0 to 8 percent inside a time of a half year. Proposed Solution Normally, other human services experts and attendants are tested with changes to the present practices. However, investigates demonstrated that the nursing calling needs to change and improve their demeanor towards oral cleanliness measures. It has been perceived as of now that great oral cleanliness is fundamental in the counteraction of ventilator-related pneumonia in precisely helped patients. Nonetheless, attendants are generally less mindful of this significance. Observational visual reviews and electronic diagram surveys the same recognized the deficiency of medical caretakers and human services experts in guaranteeing normalized oral cleanliness for precisely intubated patients. For this situation, a normalized oral consideration convention must be created to upgrade medical attendants and other social insurance experts consistence with the usage of oral consideration. Because of this, medicinal services experts ought to define and support exacting requirement of methodical or al consideration convention for the patients requiring mechanical ventilation. With this, the consistence of medical attendants in executing oral consideration will increment. Endorsement The proposed arrangement will be talked about with the unit supervisor, executive, and staff. After the conversation, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) will audit the normalized oral convention for endorsement. The IRB board guarantees that the propoed arrangement isn't engaged with any dishonest modalities and ensures the patients right. The IRB audits all solicitations for endorsement on the fifteenth of consistently, and warnings in regards to the endorsement come extremely close to the survey. Upon the endorsement from the Institutional Review Board of the proposed arrangement, social insurance experts will build up a normalized oral consideration convention. At that point, it will be executed for a quarter of a year as an affirmation convention for all patients requiring mechanical ventilation. Method of reasoning for the Selection Typically, appropriate oral cleanliness strategies for patients requiring mechanical ventilation are seldom, if by any means, organized by medical attendants and other medicinal services experts. In the creators office, for instance, there are at present no predictable oral consideration strategy, recurrence, and rules for medical caretakers to follow in performing oral consideration. Proof from Literature The danger of ventilator-related pneumonia in patients requiring mechanical ventilation can be diminished with the execution of far reaching oral consideration. The convention is a proof based answer for the said issue. Cason, Saunders, and Broom (2007) discovered through research that the greater part of the considerable number of emergency clinics don't have exacting oral consideration convention for patients requiring mechanical ventilation. In such a case, these emergency clinics very only from time to time play out the appraisal of oral depression (Cason et al., 2007). A few examinations connected ventilator-related pneumonia to dental plaque and colonization of organisms in the oropharynx. To diminish dental plaque colonization, tooth brushing assumes a significant job. In any case, regardless of whether current proof shows that it has advantageous impacts, the intercession is only from time to time utilized in most Intensive Care Units (Halm Armola, 2009). As per the investiga tion of Cason, Saunders, and Broom (2007), oral consideration methods were exceptionally only from time to time performed, and in addition, the significant piece of the technique was not done appropriately, if no normalized oral consideration convention exists. Garcia, Jendresky, Colbert, Bailey, Zaman, and Majumder (2009) appeared in their investigation that an expansion in the medical attendants consistence of oral consideration convention has a constructive outcome in anticipation of ventilator-related pneumonia among precisely ventilated patients. Various investigations showed that medical clinics with complete conventions are progressively predictable in performing oral consideration (Cason et al., 2007). For instance, tooth brushing was demonstrated to diminish microorganisms; be that as it may, this isn't proceeded as a piece of the oral consideration routine in basically sick patients. For this situation, a multidisciplinary approach is required for the improvement of value oral consideration in Intensive Care Units. Instruction, adequate time, organizing and uplifting mentality towards oral consideration directly affect the nature of the oral consideration accommodated the patients. Along these lines, it is essential to instruct medical attendants to strengthen appropriate oral consideration, give them sufficient opportunity to play out the techniques, and assist them with unlearning the normally seen disagreeableness of oral consideration (Furr et al. 2004). Assets The faculty required for the usage of the proposed arrangement are the staff attendants and respiratory specialists. The materials required are handouts, banners, and force point introductions. The appraisal devices vital for appreciation and input when usage are overviews and surveys. PCs are likewise required for introductions and interchanges, and some space for introduction ought to be given also. Assets must be made accessible for the inception, management, and assessment of changes of the staff, the expense of training, the creation of instructive and different materials, assembling and dissecting information, and different costs including refreshments. Usage Process and Logistics At the point when medical attendants follow a severe oral consideration convention, they are bound to improve the inception of oral consideration and, what is all the more critically, forestall the event of ventilator-related pneumonia. For this to be conceivable, a quantifiable objective is required for the improvement of usage of the proposed arrangement. To have it actualized in an opportune way, the association and the arrangement itself ought to have a reasonable and strong expectation. In addition, the goal ought to be quantifiable and time-explicit. It ought to likewise consider a particular populace included. For its prosperity, a common understanding between the upper administration and the staff is vital. Both the work force and the assets must be dispersed appropriately for the achievement of the errand. The arrangement is effective in the event that it incorporates a cautious turn of events, testing, fundamental changes, re-testing, and cautious execution of the procedure . The program will, in this way, be incorporated as a major aspect of
Thursday, August 13, 2020
The Best of Medium
The Best of Medium I cannot tell a lie: I haven’t been up on my book game as much as I should be. Blame the summertime, the new job, or the 5k training program I’m on. Buying or even borrowing books hassadlybeen one of the last things on my mind, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been reading. In fact, I read every day (and not just the captions on celebrity Instagram photos). Lately, I’ve been getting my story fix through my other source of entertainment/wisdom/procrastination: the internet. Namely, I’ve been hooked on Medium. If you haven’t heard of it, Medium is a free blog-hosting site that focuses on offering writers and readers a clean, streamlined experience with words. You won’t find awesome blog themes, but you will definitely come across a host of short story collections and essays featuring popular as well as up-and-coming writers from all over. The best part? You, too, can enlighten the world with your thoughts there if you so desire. Maybe one day I’ll catch myself reading yours while in line at Starbucks one morning. Anyway, here are a few of my favorites: Human Parts According to their mission statement, “Human Parts explores the patchwork of the human condition through experimental and traditional personal writing.†With a mixture of first-person narratives and third person works of creative nonfiction (AKA journals with a dramatic twist), Human Parts really scales the landscape of what might be academically the “human condition.†The work displayed here addresses some pretty difficult questions ranging from “was that thing that happened rape?†to “did my sociopathic mother really love me, or was she just pretending?†If you’re feeling introspective, give this place a try. Big Funny Blog Don’t be fooled by the name of this generic-seeming blog. Jason Wolverton is a whiz at the whole self-deprecating thing (not the be confused with the whole defecating in an outdoor trailer thing he recently wrote about). His stories have the power to both entertain and transport the reader to another time and placeâ€"perhaps a nine state road trip? Poets Unlimited “Words for humans. Poems on topics diverse, engaging and authentic.†More than just another site cleverly aiming to tackle the human condition head-on, Poets Unlimited is a regular source of musing for me. It features diverse poets in a range of styles, with almost daily updates. The best part about this site is the fact that, no, not all the poetry is rad. Some of it is actually not that great. But I love it anyway (do you remember when I talked about embracing publication as an accomplishment in itself? Remind yourself.) Matter If you’re like me, sometimes you like to get all super-left-wing with it. Sometimes, you even like to get all super-right-wing, too. Don’t get me started on the terrors of censorship! Or the terrors of children watching who knows what on the internet! Oh, excuse me. Back to the topic at hand. Matter is a nonfiction blog featuring pieces on current events and popular culture, as well as politics, work life, as well asâ€"relationship advice? Matter does it all. And I freaking love it. So the next time you find yourself in a book rutâ€"as I somehow am despite the fact that I write about booksâ€"consider opening your browser and taking a real-life peek into someone else’s thoughts and experiences. Then, feeling empowered, consider contributing yourself. Make the internet a little more scary, will you?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Bloemfontein Concentration Camp - 945 Words
Bloemfontein concentration camp during the Boer War Introduction The Boer war has recently ended and the British have won the war. Thanks to Ms.Hobhouse’s help and her observations on the Bloemfontein concentration camp, our organization is willing to create awareness about the past events in South Africa. The British created â€Å"refugee†camps (31 in total), and kept the women and children whose houses had been burnt there. For the British, this meant that the Boers who were fighting at the moment, would no longer be able to obtain food or other needs from their families. Moreover, it also meant that the men wouldn’t get to see their families. Nevertheless, their main goal was to demoralise the Boers by leaving their women and children†¦show more content†¦This chart shows the daily diet of Boer Prisoners. Refugees | Undesirables |  ½ lb. Fresh Meat.  ½ lb. either Meal, Rice, Samp or Potatoes. 1  ½ oz. Coffee. 3 oz. Sugar. 1 oz. Salt. 1/12 th tin of Condensed Milk |  ½ lb. Fresh Meat.  ½ lb. either Meal, Rice, or Samp. 1  ½ oz. Coffee. 1 oz. Sugar. 1 oz. Salt. 1/18 th tin of Condensed Milk. | As noticeable, the daily food that the Refugees obtained was much better than the one that the Undesirables did. However, it was not the required quantity of food for a person. Besides that, the meat was barely cooked, and often the meat would be given to the prisoners with ice. Bibliography Last Name, First Name. Page Title. In Domain Name [online]. Year Published or Updated. [date you viewed or copied the information]. Available from the World Wide Web: lt;URL:actually addressgt; Barnard,Hennie. The Concentration Camps (1899-1902). In[January 22 2012]Available from the World Wide Web: lt;URL: gt; Boshoff, Ryna. Bloemfontein. In British Concentration Camps Of The South African War 1900-1902 (BCCD).2006. [January 22 2012] Available from the World Wide Web :lt;URL:; De Camp Courant. Bloemfontein concentration camps. In De Camp Courant.2008. [January 22 2012] Available from the World Wide Web :lt;URL :;Show MoreRelatedEssay on Boer War960 Words  | 4 PagesRoberts marched northeastward from Cape Colony into the Orange Free State. Attacked by the Afrikaner general Piet Cronje on February 27, Roberts fought back successfully and forced the surrender of Cronje and his troops. On March 13, Roberts entered Bloemfontein, which was the capital of the Orange Free State. Roberts captured Johannesburg on May 31 and Pretoria on June 5. After they won, President Kruger went to Europe and Roberts returned to England in January 1901 because he thought the war was overRead MoreHow the English Won the Boer War in South Africa Essay2753 Words  | 12 Pagescombined. The Boers were only able to muster one fifth that number of soldiers and the age group ranged from teenage boys to old men with more and mo re women joining the commandos as the British began their final phase of scorched earth and concentration camps for Boer civilians. It is interesting that many of the black Africans took up arms with the English to aid in the fight against the Boers because they believed the English to be the lesser of two evils in that their policy towards blacks didRead More Twentieth Century History of South Africa1999 Words  | 8 Pagesand the Union constitution that was created gave all of the governing power to the whites (U.S. State Department, 2012, para. 13). The Boer war resulted in many homeless women and children, resulting in the British Empire’s creation of concentration camps leaving a negative tone after their victory. Included in the negative tone was the military deaths that the British Empire incurred; 22,000 British dead opposed to 6,000 Boers. The lopsided numbers were due to the Boers use of guerilla warfareRead MoreEssay on South Africa3526 Words  | 15 PagesMpumalanga, Gauteng, the North West Province, the Western Cape, the Northern Cape and the Eastern Cape. South Africa also has three capital cities: Pretoria serves as the administration capital; Cape Town serves as the legislative capital; and Bloemfontein serves as the judicial capital (CIA). South Africa was affected by colonialism like many other countries in Africa. After gaining independence from the British Commonwealth, the policy of apartheid was set up. Apartheid was a system of government
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
American Revolution - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 328 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: American Revolution Essay Did you like this example? In the early 19th century, Americans experienced both social and political impact significantly due to emerging cultural changes. While religion reformed the much of the 19th century it was able to impact both political and social aspects of the Americas, through abolition and temperance it was able to bring about these changes with religion. The high rate of alcohol consumption prompted reformers to target alcohol as the cause of social ills. The movement began by using moral exhortation. In 1826 Protestant ministers and other concerned with drinking founded the American temperance society, they tried to persuade drinkers to take abstinence. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "American Revolution" essay for you Create order Factory owners and politicians joined in hopes to reduce poverty and crime. In 1851 Maine went beyond taxing liquor but also prohibited manufacturing and sale of liquor. Twelve states followed before the civil war. In the 1850s the issue of slavery came to overshadow the temperance movement but would gain strength in the late 1870s and achieve national success with the passage of the 18th amendment in 1919. Abolition was the support for a complete, immediate, and uncompensated end to slavery. Slavery was seen as one of the Americas worse social ills. Abolitionist and religious reformers were fighting for the abolishment of slavery. In the North before the Civil War, there were only a few abolitionists and these were generally considered radicals. However, they were prominent and vocal, and as sectional tension mounted, they became more prominent and influential. This was considered radical, and there were only a few adamant abolitionists prior to the Civil War. Almost all abolitionists advocated legal, but not social equality for blacks. Many abolitionists, such as William Lloyd Garrison were extremely vocal and helped to make slavery a national issue, creating sectional tension because most abolitionists were from the North. While religion reformed the much of the 19th century it was able to impact both political and social aspects of the Americas, through abolition and temperance it was able to bring about these changes with religion.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ict In Schools A Means For Transforming Teaching Education Essay Free Essays
string(290) " to categories at their places or offices, \( Bannan and Milheim, 1997 \) , and provides bringing medium, content supplier, and capable affair in one bundle, unlike other mediums, such as computing machine based preparation, that require a separate bringing mechanism \( McManus, 1996 \) \." The application of Information and Communications Technology ( ICT ) in schools is perceived as a agency for transforming instruction and acquisition procedure, and has therefore been met with important enthusiasm. The underdeveloped universe besides perceives ICT as a tool that will advance socio-economic, political, and sustainable development and as portion of the nucleus of instruction, aboard reading, composing and numeracy. This perceptual experience is emphasized in schools in Ghana. We will write a custom essay sample on Ict In Schools A Means For Transforming Teaching Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Students and students can make their prep on the cyberspace, because such services and installations exist on the cyberspace. The cyberspace can besides ease high quality instruction in the schoolroom every bit good as enrich the learning accomplishments of instructors. Harmonizing to Griffiths ( 1999 ) , in most underdeveloped states, though information engineering has been introduced, it is non to the full incorporated. In Ghana, witting attempts are being made by authorities to distribute the usage of information engineering in all sectors. As a consequence, the authorities of Ghana has passed a policy ( ICT for Accelerated Development ) to defend the class in advancing information and communications engineering in Ghana. In the ICT for Accelerated Development Policy, it stated that â€Å" policy attempts shall be directed at utilizing ICTs to ease system of E-learning and E-education every bit good as life-long acquisition within the population at big †. 1.2 Statement of the Problem In order to accomplish the aims of the new educational reform ( 2007 ) and ICT4AD policy of the state, coachs and pupils should be encouraged to develop involvement in the usage of ICT Tools such as Web Based Learning ( WBL ) Tools to heighten instruction and acquisition of the class. This is premier exampled by the manner coachs and pupils of Konongo-Odumase Senior High School abandon the usage of WBL Tools. The coachs and pupils are supposed to take advantage of WBL Tools to heighten instruction and larning yet as it is now, they do n’t. It is as a consequence of this job that, the research worker seeks to utilize the WBL tools to better instruction and acquisition. 1.3 Purpose of the Study The chief intent of this survey is to better instruction and acquisition of ICT in Konongo-Odumase Senior High School. This intent is intended to be achieved by look intoing into the non use of WBL Tools. The information gathered will assist convey out intercessions that would better instruction and acquisition of ICT through the usage of WBL. Specifically, this survey is aimed at: Use appropriate methods to heighten pupils understanding during ICT lessons. Use immediate feedback to pupils to actuate them to analyze the topic. Monitoring pupil ‘s public presentation through WBL Tools. Keeping the involvement of both coachs and pupils in the instruction and larning procedure by utilizing an easy manner of accessing information. 1.4 Research Questions How will you utilize WBL to assist actuate pupils to go active in the survey of ICT? What method of learning will outdo aid to better instruction and acquisition? To what extent would the given of immediate feedback to pupils actuate them to analyze ICT? Is it utile for instructors to utilize WBL Tools to learn? How will the pupils develop involvement in the class? 1.5 Significance of the Study The result of this survey would convey to bare the importance of WBL to schools and other affected establishments in general. It will assist make a more efficient mechanization for the modern-day coach to student instruction and acquisition procedure. It is hoped that this survey will convey to bare the demand for WBL Tools and sharing of resources with the schools with connectivity. 1.6 Restriction of the Study In malice of all the attempts put into the survey by the research worker, the research was saddled with the following jobs, which were possible reverse that influenced the concluding consequence. Not all the questionnaires administered were responded and returned. Time restraints in footings of limited periods to subject the long essay and other immaterial factors facilitated the choosing of Konongo-Odumase Senior High School. Some respondent intentionally or out ignorance gave inaccurate responses. Some respondents were hard to be interviewed due to their heavy agendas therefore the figure interviewed was smaller than anticipated. 1.7 Boundary line of the Study All pupils in all secondary schools in Ghana offer ICT as a topic. However, this survey is narrowed down in range to fiscal and clip restraints. It hence confined itself to merely first twelvemonth pupils and a few coachs. Chapter Two Literature Review Definition of Web-Based Direction Khan ( 1997 ) defines Web-Based Instruction ( WBI ) as: â€Å" †¦ a hypermedia-based instructional plan which utilizes the properties and resources of the World Wide Web to make a meaningful acquisition environment where acquisition is fostered and supported. †Relan and Gillami ( 1997a ) define WBI as: â€Å" †¦ the application of a repertory of cognitively oriented instructional schemes within a constructivist and collaborative acquisition environment, using the properties and resources of the World Wide Web. †Web-Based Instruction, besides called Web-Based Training, is defined by Clark ( 1996 ) as: â€Å" Individualized direction delivered over public or private computing machine webs and displayed by a Web browser. WBT is non downloaded CBT, but instead on-demand preparation stored in a waiter and accessed across a web. Web-based preparation can be updated really quickly, and entree to developing controlled by the preparation supplier. †Though the above definitions are non indistinguishable, there is a common subject, which is that WBI takes advantage of the Internet and World Wide Web to present information. Importance of Web-Based Direction WBI, which is an emerging field in instruction, is however, a portion of the rapid growing that is the Internet. Reasons for the growing of WBI include: promotes growing of distance instruction economically ( dependable and cheap beginning ) as compared to computing machine based preparation, unrecorded broadcasts, picture tapes, and so on, ( Relan and Gillani, 1997b and Santi, 1997 ) , enables scholars who prefer or are required to larn outside traditional schoolrooms to go to categories at their places or offices, ( Bannan and Milheim, 1997 ) , and provides bringing medium, content supplier, and capable affair in one bundle, unlike other mediums, such as computing machine based preparation, that require a separate bringing mechanism ( McManus, 1996 ) . You read "Ict In Schools A Means For Transforming Teaching Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" Nichols ( 1995 ) predicts that: â€Å" The possible benefit from explicating rating methodological analysiss for the Web [ for instructional stuffs ] depends on whether or non the Web will go a lasting medium or a passing craze? In fact, the Web will probably shortly go the most popular medium for the bringing of distance instruction type stuffs. †The development of information engineering has easy changed the manner people interact with computing machines. This alteration has besides reached the learning procedure: distance acquisition, where pupil and instructor are connected by engineering alternatively of a schoolroom, is going a feasible option to traditional instruction methods, and is poised for major growing over the following several old ages. However, understanding how to utilize the World Wide Web ( WWW ) to back up preparation and acquisition activities presents a significant challenge for the interior decorators and judges of this emerging engineering. Particularly they have to understand how communicating and interaction, two cardinal characteristics of the acquisition procedure, are changed by the computing machine engineering. Furthermore, they have to research the possibilities of successfully teaching via webs while turn outing the acquisition and cost effectivity of these advanced systems. Get downing from t he theoretical background presented in Chapter 2 and 3, we present a model for the development of web-based acquisition environments. These tools can be considered a peculiar signifier of interactive multimedia: computer-stored information, which is connected and retrieved via links. An interesting development of interactive multimedia analyzed by the text are shared interactive multimedias, new Internet tools in which different users, who are at the same time shoping the same web site, can pass on with each other. The usage of computing machine engineerings to heighten larning began in late ’60s with the attempts of innovators such as Atkinson and Suppes [ 1, 2 ] . Since that clip the presence of computing machine engineering in schools has increased dramatically, and anticipations are that this tendency will go on to speed up. In peculiar, the visual aspect of Internet-based information and communicating engineerings is altering how preparation is being conducted in many colleges, universities and private companies. As noted by Federico [ 3 ] â€Å" we are in the thick of a paradigm displacement in instruction and preparation from schoolroom centric to web centric †( p.653 ) . On one side the development of information engineering has easy changed the manner people interact with computing machines. Technological progresss have bit by bit shifted the focal point off from computing machines as such, and toward what people really do with them. The most apparent mark of this alteration has been the creative activity of wholly new synergistic communicating environments like Computer Mediated Communication and Computer Supported Collaborative Work made possible by the increasing power and flexibleness of today ‘s information engineering [ 4 ] . In fact non merely does the usage of the World Wide Web non vouch effectual larning [ 6 ] . Inappropriate utilizations of engineering may impede acquisition. For illustration, it is good known that pupils can blow a batch of clip surfing the Internet. The first studies of Web-based Learning appear in the early 1990s edifice on 30 old ages of computer-assisted direction. Advocates claimed computer-assisted direction is superior to text-based, talk, and traditional educational methods for grounds that include control by the scholar over content, clip, and topographic point of acquisition ; sweetening of acquisition, logical thinking, and efficiency ; and cost nest eggs. Many surveies that reported advantages contained methodological defects and reported advantages unrelated to computer-specific characteristics. Web-based acquisition ( WBL ) represents a farther development of computer-assisted direction. Technical advantages of WBL include cosmopolitan handiness, easiness in updating content, and hyperlink maps that permit cross-referencing to other resources. These proficient progresss, specifically hyperlink and seeking capablenesss, fit the constructivist larning theory, where scholars search out and make their ain cognition bases. However, as was apparent with computer-assisted direction, possible advantages may non interpret into important betterments in educational results. Web-based larning environments can function as motivational, instructional, mold, feedback, and appraisal tools. These environments besides can impact the cognitive and societal behaviours of pupils ( Mayer 2001 ; Wallace 2001 ) . What is web-based acquisition? Web-based acquisition encompasses all educational intercessions that make usage of the cyberspace ( or a local intranet ) . There are presently three wide categorizations or constellations within WBL: tutorials, on-line treatment groups, and practical schoolrooms. The differentiations between these constellations are frequently blurred, and in fact a given WBL intercession might utilize a combination of two or three, but the deductions for learning warrant a conceptual, albeit at times arbitrary, separation. On-line tutorials are similar to face-to-face talks. They by and large consist of information structured by the instructor in a manner that will ( hopefully ) facilitate acquisition. Tutorials are frequently enhanced by characteristics such as multimedia ( sound, images, films, and lifes ) , links to online resources ( full-text diary articles or related web sites ) and other countries within the class, and self-assessment tools. Effective online tutorials frequently besides make usage of schoolroom instances. Online treatment is similar to the face-to-face little group session. As with any little group, there may be an component of didactic instruction from the teacher ( eg a brief tutorial ) but the bosom of the instruction lies in group treatment. Teachers take on the function of facilitators – specifying the range of the treatment, monitoring and steering the treatment as needed, and supplying or assisting pupils to happen extra resources. Communication among group members can be asynchronous ( hold between directing a message and having the response ) or synchronal ( unrecorded ) . Virtual schoolrooms are computer-based simulations of schoolroom brushs. It is besides deserving observing what WBL is non. The cyberspace has found many maps in ICT instruction in which the primary purpose is non an educational intercession designed for web-based bringing. These include archives of face-to-face talks ( eg Power- Point slides or videotaped talks ) and class course of study, on-line disposal of trials and class ratings, and administrative communications. While surely utile, these maps do non represent WBL. The Role of WBLTs Web-based acquisition tools ( WBLTs ) , besides referred to as larning objects in the literature, are defined in this survey as â€Å" synergistic web-based tools that support larning by heightening, amplifying, and steering the cognitive procedures of scholars †( Agostinho, Bennett, Lockyer, A ; Harper, 2004 ; Butson, 2003 ; McGreal, 2004 ; Parrish, 2004 ; Wiley, et Al. 2004 ) . WBLTs offer two notable characteristics that can cut down the impact of possible obstructions instructors face when utilizing engineering. First, typical WBLTs are designed to concentrate on specific constructs, doing them easy to larn, easy to utilize, and more attractive to busy pedagogues who have small clip to larn more complex, advanced package bundles ( Gadanidis, Gadanidis, A ; Schindler, 2003 ) . Ease of usage besides makes WBLTs more toothsome to instructors who are discerning about utilizing engineering ( Kay, Knaack, A ; Muirhead, in imperativeness ) . Second, a broad scope of WBLTs exist including drill-and-practice appraisal tools ( Adams, Lubega, Walmsley, A ; Williams, 2004 ) or tutorials ( Nurmi A ; Jaakkola, 2006 ) , video instance surveies or supports ( Kenny, Andrews, Vignola, Schilz, A ; Covert, 1999 ; MacDonald et al. , 2005 ) , general web-based multimedia resources ( Van Zele, Vandaele, Botteldooren, A ; Lenaerts, 2003 ) , and selfcontained synergistic tools in a specific content country ( Bradley A ; Boyle, 2004 ; Cochrane, 2005 ) . Furthermore, in contrast to other larning engineerings burdened with execution challenges and costs, WBLTs are readily accessible over the Internet and instructors need non worry about inordinate costs or non holding the latest version ( Wiley, 2000 ) . It is speculated that the wide choice of readily accessible WBLTs will do it easier for instructors to incorporate WBLTs into a schoolroom environment. In drumhead, barriers to utilizing engineering reported by instructors such as clip, limited accomplishment, fright of engineering, and limited entree to engineering are partly addressed by easy-to-use WBLTs that are readily accessible in a broad assortment of pedagogical formats. WBLT Research in Middle and Secondary School Classrooms Existing WBLT or larning object research is limited to the sphere of higher instruction. Out of the 41 empirical surveies reviewed for this paper, 29 ( 70 % ) focussed on WBLT usage in higher instruction, whereas merely eight ( 20 % ) examined WBLT usage in center or secondary school schoolrooms ( Brush A ; Saye, 2001 ; Ilomaki, Lakkala, A ; Paavola, 2006 ; Kay A ; Knaack, 2007a ; Kong A ; Kwok, 2005 ; Liu A ; Bera, 2005 ; Lopez-Morteo A ; Lopez, 2007 ; McCormick A ; Li, 2006 ; Nurmi A ; Jaakkola, 2006 ) . Four surveies examined in-between school pupils ‘ usage of WBLTs. Kong A ; Kwok ( 2005 ) looked at nine-year-old pupils ‘ independent usage of WBLTs for 15-20 hours while trying to larn about fractions. Students who used WBLTs significantly outperformed pupils who did non utilize WBLTs. Ilomaki et Al. ( 2006 ) examined 11 and 12 twelvemonth old pupils utilizing WBLTs to analyze eating wonts. Teachers and pupils did non measure the effectivity of the five hebdomad, WBLT unit, but the pedagogical schemes used by the teachers were described in item. Liu A ; Bera ( 2005 ) examined in-between school pupils ‘ usage forms with regard to a scope of WBLTs. Eighty-two per centum of the pupils generated successful solutions utilizing WBLTs. Finally, Nurmi A ; Jaakkola ( 2006 ) reported that synergistic, simulation-based WBLTs produced significantly better consequences than drill-and pattern WBLTs. Five surveies looked at the usage of WBLTs in the secondary school schoolroom. Brush A ; Saye ( 2001 ) reported that pupils tended to look at superficial content in a WBLT when left to their ain devices and that more active counsel and construction was needed when utilizing information based WBLTs. Ilomaki et Al. ( 2006 ) explored the pedagogical affordances of WBLTs in three countries: nutrition, sense of the encephalon, and multiple intelligences. Kay A ; Knaack ( 2007b ) used a comprehensive appraisal tool to measure the usage of WBLTs and found that overall utility, clear instructions, organized layout, and good theme/motivation were peculiarly of import to pupils. Lopez-Morteo A ; Lopez ( 2007 ) reported that pupils perceived synergistic, recreationbased, collaborative WBLTs positively. Finally, McCormick A ; Li ( 2006 ) completed an extended survey analyzing the attitudes of 770 secondary schools instructors from six different European states toward utilizing WBLTs from the CELEBRATE aggregation. Overall, 70 % of the instructors thought WBLTs were utile. Just over half the instructors felt WBLTs were good designed, although this was clearly dependent on the type of WBLT chosen. Over 50 % of instructors experient Internet jobs while utilizing WBLTs. In add-on, approximately 60 % of all teachers thought WBLTs improved their instruction and felt that pupils were more engaged. Overall, WBLT-use research is positive, albeit slightly ad hoc and inconsistent in informations aggregation schemes. Two surveies gathered user public presentation informations, ( Kong A ; Kwok, 2005 ; Nurmi A ; Jaakkola, 2006 ) , four surveies collected descriptive informations ( Brush A ; Saye, 2001 ; Ilomaki et al. , 2006 ; Liu A ; Bera, 2005 ; McCormick A ; Li, 2006 ) , one survey implemented a formal study ( Kay A ; Knaack, 2007a, 2007b ) , and one survey accumulated anecdotal studies ( Lopez-Morteo A ; Lopez, 2007 ) . With the exclusion of McCormick and Li ‘s ( 2006 ) paper, all eight old surveies looked at pupil perceptual experiences entirely ; teacher feelings of how good the WBLTs worked were non examined. Feedback in web-based acquisition applications Testing and appraisal are widely used in web-based acquisition applications, and e-learning Systems. Computer-based testing has a figure of advantages, viz. : facilitation of informations analysis coevals of speedy or sometimes even immediate consequences decrease of clip for trials development addition in user motive in the instance of frequent measuring possibilities of proving at any clip entreaty to a great figure of users/respondents with a big assortment of penchants, features, instruction, ends, etc. By and large, there exist many types of jobs of proving and appraisal in web-based larning systems, including both more proficient 1s such as user individuality confirmation and security issues and more general facets such as personalisation and version of assessment procedure. Lack of interaction between pupils and instructors is one of the chief jobs in web-based acquisition applications ( Mory, 2003 ) . During the acquisition procedure a pupil performs a figure of actions where feedback is important, for illustration in appraisals or in feedback chiefly consists of information about the trials consequences presented to a user. In web-based larning systems feedback presented by computing machine is normally aimed to replace feedback given to the pupil by the instructor and to better pupil public presentation ( Mory, 2003 ) . The chief function of feedback in web-based systems is to inform and to actuate the user to increase his or her attempt and attending. In web-based larning systems feedback plays a important function in interaction. The feedback is particularly of import in proving and appraisal that is organised within the learning procedure. Harmonizing to Brusilovsky and Miller ( 1999 ) proving constituents are the best developed synergistic constituents in web-based instruction. However, we consider these constituents as being ill designed still. Most of the current testing constituents in e-learning and other web-based applications do non back up feedback version. They do non give information about the user ‘s public presentation in the most suited clip and signifier for him or her. In traditional distance acquisition ( external, but non computer-based acquisition ) feedback has been examined from a figure of different positions ( Hyland, 2001 ) . The surveies have shown that pupils particularly wanted elaborate feedback and remarks. The feedback was expected to supply positive remarks on strengths, non obscure generalizations. It is recommended that unfavorable judgment in feedback be constructive and that pupils should hold a opportunity to react to remarks ( Hyland, 2001 ) . Harmonizing to Mory ( 2003 ) the feedback mechanisms that are used by pupils have changed with the progresss and growing of web-based larning systems. The usage of student-centred and constructivist attack in larning system supposes the usage of learner-to-learner interaction and provides meaningful equal and teacher feedback ( Dabbagh,2002 ) . Harmonizing to Bischoff ( 2000 ) pupils need regular feedback in order to cognize how their public presentation was evaluated, how they could better it, and how their classs are calculated. The effectual elements of on-line learning include frequent and consistent online feedback, diplomatic online feedback, and appraising online feedback. Based on qualities of on-line feedback ( multidimensional, nonevaluative, supportive, pupil controlled, seasonably, and specific ) outlined by Schwartz and White ( 2000 ) and Mory ( 2003 ) has suggested that feedback in the web-based acquisition system should hold the undermentioned qualities: prompt, seasonably, and thorough online feedback ongoing formative feedback about on-line group treatments ongoing summational feedback about classs constructive, supportive, and substantial online feedback specific, nonsubjective, and single online feedback consistent online feedback. In web-based acquisition applications the chief maps of the testing constituent are to measure the users, to give the user information about his or her public presentation, to actuate the user, and to concentrate the user ‘s attending on farther interaction with the system. Feedback differs from rating, where the chief end is to rate and enter the consequence of the testing for the intent of measuring the user. There are several chief jobs with feedback in web-based applications. First of wholly, there is the job of feedback representation. It is widely argued in favor of expressed presentation of feedback, but there are excessively few thoughts about what should be included into feedback and what sort of construction it should hold. Naturally, the feedback should match to the undertakings and to the single features of the user. The effectivity of different types of feedback in web-based acquisition system has been by experimentation studied by Mandernach ( 2005 ) , who evaluated the educational impact of showing assorted degrees of computer-based, on-line feedback ( no-feedback, knowledge-of-response, knowledge-of-correct-response, topic-contingent, and response contingent ) . The consequences of this survey have shown that the type of computer-based feedback did non hold any influence on pupil acquisition, but at the same clip the pupils reported distinguishable penchants for knowledge-of-response and response-contingent computer-based feedback. This allowed to reason that the pupils prefer feedback that is direct and clearly addresses the rightness of their response. The other job of feedback is the clip of its presentation. The user could be provided either with immediate or with delayed feedback. Harmonizing to Mathan ( 2003 ) the job of feedback timing is of important importance for tutoring systems. H e argued about the tradeoff between the benefits of immediate and delayed feedback: while immediate feedback is more effectual, delayed feedback supports better transportation and keeping. The advantages and disadvantages of immediate and delayed feedback can alter with different larning ends and scenes. The of import inquiry of feedback is that it can pull attending off from the undertakings increasing the clip required to put to death them. Harmonizing to Oulasvirta and Saariluoma ( 2004 ) disrupting messages such as feedback in human-computer interaction influence the extent and type of mistakes in retrieving. We argue that the jobs of feedback discussed could be partly solved by version of feedback to the undertakings and to the features of an single user. Feedback version in web based applications can supply a user with feedback that is the most appropriate for his or her personal features, existent temper, behavior, and heed ( Choe et al. , 2004 ) . How to cite Ict In Schools A Means For Transforming Teaching Education Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Elizabeth Parker (a) Case Analysis Essay Sample free essay sample
Elizabeth Parker seeks a occupation as undersecretary of authorities bureau. Once she gets it. she needs to incorporate into the organisation and accomplish something utile. Issues A ; Solutions How to acquire the occupation. She spends four months acquiring her friends to buttonhole for her – web triangulation technique. The occupation clearly falls within her webs scope of operation. How to incorporate into section A ; addition position. A. She spends 3 hebdomads consistently and strategically ( every twenty-four hours a different frock ) sing whole section. chew the fating with secretaries and questioning managers. B. She selects a cardinal undertaking to make that will affect her in the whole section and will carry through something important for the section. Not merely a undertaking that would be fun. but one that ( a ) was relevant to the demands of the section. ( B ) could be expected to give great benefits if successful. ( degree Celsius ) she had skill in. and ( vitamin D ) would be helped by her contacts. We will write a custom essay sample on Elizabeth Parker (a) Case Analysis Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Get the undertaking she wanted. She used the fast one of acquiring a ‘no’ on nine other undertakings. compeling the foreman to throw her a bone. She besides used web triangulation method – acquiring Scott Walters to travel to bat for her. How to carry through the undertaking. A. Non-threatening personal manner plus willingness to make administrative work plus avoiding drawing rank that she did non hold. Stealth attack is appropriate for newcomer. Note that Walters could hold been a job – her non-competitiveness may hold been cardinal here. B. She makes usage of her web ties. such as friendly relationship with internal personal businesss cat. C. She used numerical analysis to project additions due to increasing budget. D. Used comparings with other provinces to supply grounds back uping her analysis. E. Claims based on logical analysis of the jobs. such as aggregations being behind and northern part purchasing from other provinces. F. She efficaciously created a function of research worker which hadn’t existed before. So it didn’t threaten anybody. Key Lessons †¢ Power is the ability to acquire things done. and acquiring things done gets you power †¢ She was extremely dependent on all others for what she did. Could non hold forced them. †¢ Choose large. high hazard / high wages undertakings whose successful completion will intend more power ( increasing grosss is ever popular ) †¢ Although she was a alien to the bureau. she was embedded in a larger web that was relevant to her occupation and could supply aid and information O Careers are accumulations of repute. favours. dependences †¢ Cultivate friends in high topographic points †¢ Non-competitive character is helpful in get the better ofing opposition †¢ Uses indirect power as Kotter calls it. Network triangulation. Other Lessons †¢ Peoples can’t say no to every petition. so ask for the Moon before you ask for what you want Discussion Questions †¢ She was really much aware of her gender. In what ways did gender play a portion?
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Anti-social Behavior and Family Interaction Essay Example
Anti Anti-social Behavior and Family Interaction Paper Anti-social Behavior and Family Interaction Paper Anti-social behavioral patterns are sometimes associated not only with familial upbringing, but sometimes, such concept is also linked with biological intrinsic character (Siegel and Welsh, 2004 p.60). The theoretical frameworks of biological and social domain are primarily integrative and evidently in continuous progressive interactions along with other contributory domains, such as psychological, environmental, and intrinsic character ((Abbott, 2001 p.79; Vito et al., 2007 p.100). In terms of biological domain, the primary concept involves the physical morphology, and external-internal attributes of an individual. Such domain emphasizes on the characteristics present on the individual, which establish the unique capacity and traits that identifies the person’ intrinsic attributes. Social domain covers the integration of an individual with relationships, attachments, and commitments present in the societal functioning. In addition to social domain, the community is the prime environment and the fundamental constituents of this factor are the prime contributors that influence the individual’s social capacity (Abbott, 2001 p.79). By integrating the two proposed perspectives, the conceptual idea of biosocial theoretical framework forms as the integrative domain of both physical and communal attributes. Biosocial theory assumes that the probable cause of individual’s delinquency originates not only on the individual’s genetic make-up and personality traits. As for this theory, biological negates the concept that an individual initiating an anti-social behavior, which also requires environmental declaration or initiation, such as environmental stressors, familial or social strain, etc (Siegel, 2006 p.150). With the theory presented, anti-social behavior is justified to be innate and naturally present (Warren, 2000 p.132). The test measures implicated in the study is the validation and provision of support-based interlinking causalities that explains the theoretical contribution in anti-social behavior occurrences. With familial interaction and setting as the primary center, the possible occurrences are linked to such factors in order to explain the etiology of anti-social behavior. Scope and Limitation The study aims to integrate the theoretical framework and occurrence of anti-social behavior attributed through familial interaction. With the imposed primary goal, the study shall direct its overview in order to attest the probable links between the phenomena imposed and the theoretical theory covered, biosocial theory. The research shall utilize literature review that includes validated and well-supported previous research writings, which provides substantial backbone of the overall study discussion. With critical analysis and data interpretation of the data gathered, the study shall provide the overall conclusion that should satisfy the probabilities related to main goal of the research.
Friday, March 6, 2020
DISCRIMINATED CRIMINALS essays The Criminal Justice system has always had discrimination in it. Discrimination can come from the police, courts, or even from lawyers. For example, in the Gideon vs. Wainwright case the court ruled that the state must provide a public defender but it did not rule that the public defender must be good or competent. (Too Poor N.Pag.). In most cases where a public defender is provided the defendant loses the case because the lawyer is new or incompetent. Thus the criminal justice system needs reform. The Criminal Justice System discriminates against the economically challenged and minorities because of police discrimination, unbalanced sentencing and incompetent public defenders. Police discrimination is a major factor in the criminal justice system. Police can discriminate towards different people and in different places at anytime the officers want. White police discriminate in jails and on the streets, which can be called racial profiling. In jail a white officer could give a black man a harder time then he would a white man. On the streets a white officer will stop a black man for no reason, ask where the black man is going, and often the officer will search the black mans car of belongings (Cole 7.). White police will go through poor neighborhoods to stop and search anyone the white police want (Cole 7.). A black man has a chance of getting picked up by the police for a DWB, which is Driving While Black which is impossible for most white people to even comprehend (Cole 7.). Another form of discrimination is from the black police. Sometimes the black police can discriminate just like the white police. Black police will discriminate against all ethnic groups like whites, blacks and other minorities. The black police discriminate against other blacks because the police believe that the black criminals are keeping the rest of the black community down. Black police also discriminate against the o...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Emprical evaluation of Value at Risk(VaR) model using the Lusaka stock Dissertation
Emprical evaluation of Value at Risk(VaR) model using the Lusaka stock exchange - Dissertation Example Abstract This study develops an evaluation of Value at Risk measure for a portfolio consisting of three stocks traded at the Lusaka stock Exchange. The analysis set out from 1-day, 1% VaR and take a two dimension approach: the volatility models and the distributions are used when computing VaR. Consequently, the historical volatility, the EWMA volatility model, GARCH-type models for the volatility of the stocks and of the portfolio and a dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model were considered. VaR was computed using standard normal distribution, and other different methodologies of taking into account the non-normality of the returns (the Cornish-Fisher approximation, the modeling of the empirical distribution of the standardized returns and the Extreme Value Theory approach). The objective was to evaluate the Value at Risk model using the Lusaka stock exchange return. The results suggest that using conditional volatility models and distributional tools that account for the non-n ormality of the returns leads to a better VaR-based risk management. ... ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 2 DECLARATION 3 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 7 1.1 INTRODUCTION 7 1.2 Overview of Lusaka Stock Index 9 1.3 Problem statement 12 1.2.2 Research Questions 13 1.2.1 Objectives 14 1.2.3 The Hypothesis: 14 1.2.4The organization of the rest of the chapters 14 LITERATURE REVIEW 15 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework 27 3.1 Introduction 27 3.2.2 Discussion of the Model 30 3.2.3Advantages of GARCH 31 3.3 Other Models 31 3.3.1 GARCH DCC 31 3.3.2 Historical volatility 33 3.3.3 EWMA Volatility Model 33 3.4 Distributions 34 3.4.1 The standard normal distribution 34 3.4.2 The historical quantiles 35 3.4.3 the t-Student, Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG) and Generalized Hyperbolic (GH) distributions 35 3.4.4 The Cornish-Fisher (CF) approximation 36 3.4.5 Extreme Value Theory(EVT) 36 Methodology 39 4.1 Introduction 39 4.2 Research Design 39 4.3 Sources of Data 40 4.5 Data Collection Methods 40 4.6 Data Reliability 40 4.6 Data Analysis 41 4.7 Limitations to the Study 41 4.8 Summary 41 5.0 DAT A ANALYSIS , FINDINGS AND DISCUSION 42 5.1 The Data 42 5.2 VaR using the Historical Volatility 47 5.3 VaR using the EWMA volatility model 58 5.4 VaR using a GARCH volatility model for portfolio returns 66 5.5 VaR using GARCH volatility models for the stock returns 77 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 98 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1.1 INTRODUCTION In the financial literature, three types of risk are distinguished; these are business risk, strategic risk and financial risk. Business risk pertains to the risks a firm faces exclusively on account of their presence in some product market. This type of risk stems from uncertainty in such activities as technological innovations, product
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Business Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Business Logistics - Essay Example Among its many achievements, the company boasts of being the largest employer in the industry it operates in besides being a leader in the area of research and development judging by the nature of investment it has made in the recent past. Moreover, Jaguar is also one of the leading exporters of manufactured vehicles from the United Kingdom with the company claiming an 80% stake in the country. Some of the major world destinations its brands have been exported to include China, the United States, Germany, Russia and Italy. The company has seen many changes and since the year 2008, it has come to be owned by Tata Motors Limited. Its strategic approach has been based on a sustainable development policy, which has meant that the company has to integrate its strategic decision making with the goal of remaining responsible and ethical to all stakeholders and the society as well as the environment affected by its operations. On the financial front, the company’s overall results have remained impressive with the group announcing a pre-tax profit of  £ 1,507 million in March 2012 (Jaguar Land Rover 2012). In the area of logistics, the company has been on a massive expansion and therefore the scope of its operations has diversified in the recent years. To sum up the extent of its operations, the automotive giant has three manufacturing plants in the United Kingdom in addition to its two product development sites. The company’s investment portfolio therefore requires that it is able to appropria tely manage its process flows and integrate modern logistic concepts in its day-to-day operations so that it remains to be a leader in the industry. To begin, it is important that we examine the existing operational flows in the company. With competition and technological advancement the key drivers, most manufacturing firms in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Social Media In Education English Language Essay
The Social Media In Education English Language Essay In todays technological environment, it is important that teachers try their best to make use of this innovative technology. As explained by Thaker, this technology can be used to facilitate communication between the students and the teachers. However, this new form of communication can also help parents in getting involved in the learning of their children. One way of enhancing this communication is through the use of social media (Bienstock, 2012) (Thaker, 2011). There are a number of social networking sites that can be used. Facebook [1] , Twitter [2] , Edmodo [3] , LinkedIn [4] , Twiducate [5] , Classroom 2.0 [6] and Google+ [7] are just few of the existent social media that one can make use of in education. These media are being constantly used by almost everyone on everyday basis. The results obtained from Pingdom (2012) on the demographics of 24 different social media sites show that these media are being used by different persons in different age groups. In fact, the study shows that even teenagers are making use of such media (Pingdom, 2012). However, one might argue, should we use such media in education, even though we know of the problems and issues related to such media? However others might reason that we cannot just eliminate the use of such a valuable and easily accessible resource. Bienstock (2012) makes reference to the New York Times article in which Ms. Pust states I think that we would do more good keeping kids safe by teaching them how to use these tools and navigate this online world rather than locking it down and pretending that it is not in our realm. (Bienstock, 2012) In the following sections, we will discuss the advantages that social media offers in the area of education. However, we are also going to point out the problems that these media might present and how to cope and manage them. Social Media Benefits in Education Students Develop communication skills students can gain social confidence from online interaction, which may help them feel more secure in new situations Increase skill in technology students become more familiar with new and emerging technologies, as well as increase their media literacy through exposure to many different types of online media Since many students already use these forms of technology, they may be more engaged in learning if they utilize it Online communities can be very diverse and expose students to many new view points, ideas, and opinions Social media can also be a source to increase talent to work on group projects Students can develop an optimistic image of themselves by putting best qualities out there Enhanced Collaboration acquiring information can be accomplished by students alone. But problem-solving skills are often better enhanced in a collaborative environment. Social media allow students to work together on projects beyond an individuals capability Teachers and Schools Increased access to resources since learning materials can be shared Collaboration amongst teachers and exchanging of lesson plans and information Can reach parents who are incapable to come to school in a cheap and effective way Can form partnerships with schools in other states or countries Enhanced Flipping through social media the relationship between teachers and students can be improved. Teacher can upload course material and record lectures were students can access them at their own pace. In classroom teachers will guide students with activities that usually are recognized as homework. Modernize Discussions through social media teacher can credit students for in-class participation. This requires teacher to monitor which students are speaking up when. Communicate Between Classes Teachers can send out announcements, share ideas or pose questions to pupils, especially when classes are spaced several days apart. How well are schools using social media? Successes Challenges Making safe communities some sites allow teachers to control online environments thus reducing dangers associated with social media Lack of knowledge a schools social media account should be managed by someone who understands social media Encouraging collaboration students can critique and comment on each others assignments. They can easily work in teams online and asking teachers questions or starting a discussion is easy Lack of features lack of engagement for students can make them feel as if the school doesnt care. Features should include one-on-one connection Invitation to produce content social media can invite students and schools to produce content for both enrolled and prospective students. This can show the schools personality More than a presence a social media profile requires daily maintenance and interaction with students The NCF (Ministry of Education, Employment and Family 2011) argues that literacy, numeracy and digital literacy are the foundations for further learning. Our students are digital natives whether we like it or not. For us as teachers we have to accept this and exploit it to deliver the subject content to our students. Students and Social Media Our students are continuously communicating through social media, in Malta the most popular one being Facebook. Can we stop this? No we can not as out students are equipped with laptops, tablets, iPads, smartphones all providing easier access to social networks. Introducing social media in education is not an easy step, as mentioned before students are continuously using it with most of them ignoring the possible consequences. When the topic is approached only on a theoretical level students think that it will never happen to them, for them there is nothing wrong uploading any kind of photos to appear cool with their friends. They can not perceive that once a photo is available on the Internet is available to anybody even though they select the Only Friends option. Social Media Problems and How to Minimise Them? The only way to deal with this problem is through educational videos that illustrate various situations which teenagers found themselves in because they didnt know it could happen to them. A teacher can start by showing these two videos and and discuss a set of questions with the students to elicit important points from both videos; the uploading of photos, anyone can watch your photos without you being aware of it. Students need to be educated towards social media. They have a tool in their hands, they think of knowing how to use it but most of them dont. Teachers and parents have to understand we cannot stop the social media hype. We as teachers have to educate about this tool. What can go wrong? Many students ask the questions: What can go wrong? These are some of the answers that we as educators need to provide: Cyberbullying (CEOP, 2007):: By using technology like mobiles or the internet, this type of bullying can affect someone not just at school, but at home as well. Because it takes place in the virtual world, it has a 24/7 nature and can make someone feel upset or threatened in their own home. Students should be educated that this kind of bullying can be evidenced. With cyber bullying they can save text/emails/WebPages, print them and used as a proof to catch the bully. Sexting: Someone taking an indecent image of themselves, and sending it to their friends or boy/girlfriend via a mobile phone or some other form of technology is sometimes referred to as sexting. Once these images have been taken and sent to others, control is lost of them and they can end up anywhere. They could be seen by friends and family, a future employer, or even, in some cases, end up in the possession an offender! This also puts that person who originally sent the images in a vulnerable position (CEOP, 2007):, as somebody they may or may not know now has these images and could use technology to bully, harass or even try to locate them as seen in the videos. Students have to be educated to think Do I want my schoolmates to see these photos, my family? Hacking: Students should always choose the Log Out option so their account can not be hacked. False Identity: People arent always honest with who they are, their age or what they look like. Students have to be share of whom they are confirming as a friend. It is very easy to lie on the Internet and there is no way of knowing if someone is telling the truth. Even if someone shows them a photo of themselves, this could be a picture of someone else or could be faked. This applies to webcam or video footage too; seeing a person in a video, does not mean it is them. Students have to be educated not to meet people they encountered over the Internet. Addiction: One has to be aware of the time and effort spent in establishing connections. It is very easy to become addicted, for some, these sites become one of the major concerns (CEOP, 2007). This can have adverse effects on a persons ability to work efficiently and affects ones health as well. Sometimes the best lesson to educate our students is not through theory but providing them with actual facts. For example this article narrates the story of a girl killed by her rapist before she could testify against him. He posed as a teenage boy on Facebook and told Shania Gray (the victim) he had a crush on her and they agreed to meet. He took her to a secluded park and shot her (Pullman, 2012). Everyone has a facebook account why shouldnt I? Our society, educators, parents cannot hide from the reality that social media are part of our culture. The future generation are approaching their lives differently as they integrate digital technologies- such as computers, the Internet, instant messaging, cell phones and e-mail throughout their daily activities. As educators we can propose the following simple but effective SMART Rules (UK Safer Internet Centre, 2012): Keep your personal information like address, mobile number safe. Make students think this question If I meet a stranger on the street would I give him my mobile number? The same reasoning has to be applied to a stranger met on the Internet. Dont Meet Up. Social networks can be a place to encounter with new people. Students must always know who you are talking to. If an adult they do not know asks them to meet up, they have to be educated to say no. Accepting (UK Safer Internet Centre, 2012): Educate students to think before they accept something from someone over the Internet as it might contain viruses with the sole purpose to steal information from someones computer used by a hacker to keep data on people perhaps engaged by paedophiles. If students do not know from whom it is and it has an attachment, they have to delete it. Reliable (UK Safer Internet Centre, 2012): Not everyone online can be trusted. Older men tend to lie about their age and who they are to meet female adolescents. This is a point we as educators need to stress onto; students have to know who they are talking to. Tell (UK Safer Internet Centre, 2012): Students should not be afraid of talking if someone is harassing or stalking them over the Internet. They have to talk with their parents, or a guidance teacher or any other trusted adult if someone makes them worried or uncomfortable online. Moreover if a student knows about a friend who has these kinds of problems he/she has to tell someone. It is not betraying him/her friends trust, it is helping and in some cases saving his/her friend. The Issue of No Physical Interaction Social media is a medium that enables communication between people from all over the world through the use of technology. Such interaction can be done from the comfort of your own home and this can facilitate the process tremendously. Some may argue that social media may present a challenge since the students are unable to socialise properly. This may be due to the fact that the interaction between peers is not presented in a physical manner. On the other hand, social media allows people to meet in ways that otherwise would have not been possible. Social media not only allows easier communication but eliminates the issue of geographical barriers. It allows students to form and (Tomaszewski, 2012) (Connolly, 2011) (Williams, 2011)maintain friendships, that otherwise would have been difficult or impossible. Such friendships allow students to learn and interact with other cultures other than their own. It allows wider knowledge sharing from people all over the world. Such interaction would not have been possible or would have been difficult and more costly if it had to be done physically. Therefore, when used with properly and with caution, social media allows not only learning to occur, but also friendships and knowledge sharing to take place. Twelve Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media We do not want more rules but as any other important tool Social Media should be used responsibly. We are in the day and age, were Social Media is used all the time by everyone and this is the main reason why we should be careful of what we do. We should educate our students how to use Social Media sites responsibly. These are a few rules, which if applied, help us appreciate the power of Social Media when used in the classroom. Post Illegal Activities Although your profile may be set to private there are other ways and means how this content can become public and be view by anyone on the web. Once public, it will be impossible to remove that content from the internet. Bullying Do not post anything on any Social Media site which might be a form of bullying. Anything from verbal abuse and hate words and other posted material can lead to very grave consequences including suicide. Trash Your Teachers Bullying can also include interactions done on posts where teachers or school administration are mentioned. This can be a grave offence even if certain things may seem harmless to who posted them. Post Objectionable Content from School Computers or Networks Do not use the school computers to post objectionable information. Some school networks can track this activity. Post Confidential Information This is very important as already mentioned before everyone can see the information you post so be careful not to post any personal information where people can track you. Overly Specific Location Check-Ins Do not use Social Media to say that you are home alone or in a remote location this will help even persons who are not willing to help to find you. Lie/Cheat/Plagiarize If a lie is shared on Social Media it is most probably that everyone will get to know. There can also be investigations regarding cheating and plagiarism. Threaten Violence When a threat is posted online even if anonymous, there will be investigations by the police and eventually will trace the offender. Ignore School-Specific Policies Always abide by the policy of your school regarding Social Media. Unprofessional Public Profiles Students should be thoughtful of what to post online. Certain content might not be acceptable for an employer, who in the near future might go through ones profile. Do not say or put anything on your profile which you do not want a future employer to see. Never Rely on Privacy Settings 100% Students should never rely on privacy settings over good judgment, says Andrew Moravick, social media specialist. Some Social Media networks have very good privacy settings but some are updated very often and not everyone can keep track. Post Emotionally Do not post anything on Social Media when feeling emotional about something. Thing may seem very different when analyzing the same scenario when feeling calm. As we can see, these are very simple rules students and everyone using Social Media can follow. We just have to keep in mind that anything posted irresponsibly on Social Media networks can have very negative effects. Conclusion It is clearly seen that social media and education dont necessarily go hand in hand. So far experts remind us that there are clear dos and donts for integrating social media in the classroom. Social technologies are here to stay and it is import to help students learn how to used social media. Guide students in how to think deliberately about their use and consider the outcomes of proper and improper use of social media. This goal can be appropriately reached when teacher have received appropriate training on the use of social media. Full backing and support of the school administration is mandatory to fulfill this objective. Turning social media into an educational tool can be used to further a students education and enrich it.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Effects Of Mercury On The Enviroment
LA Gear and other shoe companies have been using mercury to make the switch active in their shoe that light up when a person walks. The shoes should return to the company after the user is done with the to be recycled. Since LA never advertises this, people just thrown them away like any other pair of old shoes. Eventually the shoes end up in a land fill and the mercury can leak out into the environment. Mercury is a highly toxic substance and is the cause of the Minamata Disease in the 1950’s. On the top 20 toxic chemical list, mercury rates 3rd. Mercury bioaccumulates in the body and has difficulty eliminating it. It may reach dangerous levels over time and causes sever damage to the central nervous system. Mercury’s Effect on the Environment and People Mercury is one of the biggest environmental problems that exist because it is hard to get of once in the environment. In the past, mercury was used to make things like paper, put in paint and thermometers, and as an agricultural pesticide. The Minamata Disease is a good example of what could happen if mercury enters into the environment. In the mid 1950’s, more than 100 Japanese were poisoned by fish that contained methyl mercury. The mercury came from industrial waste that had been dumped into the bay where the fish were caught. The mercury bioaccumulated up the food chain. The cats the were eating the fish showed the symptoms first. They began to act very strange; running into walls and acting like they were â€Å"in a trance. †The people in the village developed mental retardation, insanity, and birth defects from eating the poisoned fish. Fifty people died and 150 people suffered from these disorders. Another example of mercury’s effect on people and the environment comes from the saying â€Å"mad as a hatter. †In the 1800’s, hats were made with mercury to stiffened the brim. The hatters that made the hats worked with mercury all the time. The mercury was absorbed into their skin and caused them to develop neurological and physiological disorders. People just assumed they were going crazy. From then on, when someone thought another was going out of their mind they would say they were â€Å"mad as a hatter. â€
Friday, January 10, 2020
Ancient greek architecture
The foundation of the temple was measured over 350 by 180 feet [about 110 by 55 meters] in size; probably one of the largest temples built in the ancient times. Temple of Artemisia was built around 323 BC in Usually, Turkey. The city was once called Ephesus. The whole temple was built as a dedication to the Greek Goddess Artemisia. When discussing about Greek Architecture, the most distinctive element is the classical orders. Columns in Ancient Greek period were used externally and internally.Nowadays, Orders are still used in shared public places such as churches, universities, court buildings, museums, etc. Other elements such as: buildings on platform, peripheral columns, pediment, are equally important in Greek Style. First Church of Christ, Scientist Pasadena is located at 80 Oakland Street, Pasadena CA 91101. It is considered as one of the Historic church buildings in Pasadena. The construction of the building started in the year of 1907 and finished in 1909. The fascinating bu ilding was designed by architects Marathons and Van Pelt.When First Church of Christ had Just finished with the construction, it was the largest and greatest building in Pasadena. The Building was equipped with fireproof materials ND made earthquake resistant. The 100-year-old building is very significant as it is part of the Pasadena Playhouse Historic district, a non-profit organization designed to preserve Pasadena historical and also buildings with advanced architecture. The First Church of Christ Scientist is also similar to Temple of Artemisia in many ways. Firstly, the Ionic colonnades that characterize a typical Greek Architecture.Six Ionic columns border the entrance door of First Church of Christ. The two scrolls on the capital of the columns really signify Ionic Columns of Temple of Artemisia. Moreover the First Church of Christ scientist imitates the look of pediment (triangular-shaped roof) of Temple of Artemisia. The two pediments are peaked cap pediments, in which the pediment forms a perfect triangular shaped and does not have broken tip. Additionally, The pediment of Temple of Artemisia is highly decorated with sculptures, whereas the pediment of The First Church of Christ Scientist is plain.The First Church of Christ Scientist is freestanding, with columns only on the front side. The building itself stands on top of a high platform and has only one staircase eating to the entrance. This is different from Temple of Artemisia, which has stairs on every side, and has ionic columns running all around the building. Dentals are not very detailed in the untreatable of First Church of Christ Scientist; unlike the untreatable of Temple of Artemisia with its complex and detailed decorations.The pediment of Temple of Artemisia is decorated with a sculpture, which pictures great military in Ephesus. In terms of function, both Temple of Artemisia and the First Church of Christ Scientist hold the same purpose, which is sacred place to worship and pray. Tem ple of Artemisia was dedicated for the Greek Goddess Artemisia and is a place where people do rituals and pray to Goddess Artemisia. While First Church of Christ Scientist functions as a Christian Church, specifically for the practice of Christian Science; where people gather together every Sunday to pray to Jesus Christ.Additionally, if we're talking about the materials used for the construction process, The two buildings use different materials and apply different construction method. Temple of Artemisia was fully made out of marble, a strong, very precious stone that is high in maintenance but less durable. At that time of construction, Marble was probably the most efficient and advanced material for the construction of the temple. Concrete was not invented by then. Workers had to drag white marble stones and carve it into sculptures manually. It took almost 12 decades to build the temple.While everything was done manually at the time Temple of Artemisia was constructed, the Firs t Church of Christ Scientist was built in a more advance way. Concrete, the strongest and most durable material was already invented and spread across America. The First Church of Christ Scientist was built in concrete and painted in white. These days, with the help of technology such as: laser cut, laser paint, bulldozer, etc, the construction can be done faster. The construction process was done in two years time. The Journey from Temple of Artemisia to the First Church of Christ Scientist takes almost 20 centuries.The First Church of Christ Scientist has the combination and mixture of other styles as well. Dome structure lies at the back of the main building, consisting some elements of Roman architecture as it imitates the Pantheon of Rome. The next building would be Ambassador auditorium, a small auditorium built by the Worldwide Church of God to be used as one of its branch. It is located at 131 S SST John Eve, Pasadena (CA 91105). The building is famous for its magnificent an d unique design and is often called by its nickname †The Carnegie Hall of the West†.Ambassador auditorium does not only function for center of worship but also functions as a concert hall for various kind of public performances. From soloist to small ensemble, even symphony concerts have taken place in Ambassador auditorium. The capacity of the hall is approximately for 1262 people. The simple, yet sophisticated design of the building is the work of an architectural rim in Los Angels, with the supervisions of Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Maidenhead. They chose the building to be minimalist style as it is efficient and cost friendly.The construction process was carried out by the William Simpson Construction Company of Los Angels. It took 12 years to design the concept and 2 years to finish the construction. The interior designer is Robert Smith. The Ambassador Auditorium was officially opened on April 7, 1974. When observing the design of Ambassador Auditorium, there are a few elements of the building that are taken from Ancient Greek Architecture. The most distinctive element is peripheral columns running around the rectangular-shaped building.Each column of Ambassador Auditorium is 72 foot in height, with 8 flutes on each shaft. Six identical columns lies on the front and backside, and nine columns lies on left and right sides. This is similar to the arrangement of colonnades in Temple of Artemisia. The temple has two series of eight Ionic colonnades each for the front and back of the building, while the sides were supported by two rows of seventeen (Ionic) columns each. Both buildings are surrounded by colonnades, regardless of the sensing. Despite the similarities, there are also so many elements that differentiate them.Firstly, materials used for the construction of Ambassador Auditorium are different than Temple of Artemisia because most part of Ambassador Auditorium is covered in glass. Glass was chosen to let more lights to enter the building , because light is very essential for Christian church. In Christianity, Light is often associated with God and holiness. Ambassador Auditorium was initially built for worship purpose, therefore the building is covered mainly by glass. Whereas for Temple of Artemisia, white marble s the main material for the construction.The whole temple was entirely marble except for its tile covered wooden roof. There was barely any glass in the building, because glass were not so popular in the past, probably because they were not very strong. Due to development of technology, glass is now made thicker and heavier; therefore stronger. The columns of Ambassador auditorium is certainly different from Ancient Greek columns, but they are equally unique and beautiful. The shape and the design of the column are not exactly the same as those of Temple of Artemisia, as they are not auricular and do not have decorations on the capital.The exterior columns of Ambassador Auditorium are very slender, with no decoration on its capital and have less flutes on the shafts. The building combines many geometrical shapes such as square, rectangle, triangle, and lines; to emphasize the minimalist style. The exterior design of the building is indeed undeniably beautiful with all the simple elements around it. There is a beautiful little water fountain in front of one of the entrance, adding the aesthetic element to the building. Furthermore, the walkway leading to the entrance is made UT of green granite, that is said to be cut and polished in Overeager, Italy.Ambassador Auditorium is truly a world-class facility despite its simplicity. If you think the exterior is astounding, the interior of Ambassador auditorium is equally enchanting and sophisticated. The inside of the building is decorated with classical style, making it more elegant. The auditorium's main door is covered in bronze. The main hall of the building is decorated with 1390 piece bronze and a huge crystal chandelier in its lobby. Staircase railing is made out of rare African DOD, called Shaded; ornamented underneath with gold leaves.Moreover, the ground is covered with a wool-made purple carpet- indeed an ideal match for the crystal hanging overhead. The Huge crystal chandelier, the beautifully carved ceilings, and the fully polished stair railings altogether create an alluring atmosphere in the building. In conclusion, The First Church of Christ Scientist is more similar to the Temple of Artemisia because it consists of more Ancient Greek elements and decorations such as: free-standing, pediment, Ionic columns, sculptures on pediment, etc. Even though
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Rites Of Passage, By Arnold Van Gennep - 1547 Words
Introduction Rites of passage are rituals or events which are universally conducted for a variety of cultural, religious and social reasons. Grounded in everyday life, ritual is symbolic and emotional providing a transition of knowledge, behaviour and status, as Audrey Richards’s wrote, ’the use of symbols in ritual secures some kind of emotional compromise which satisfies the majority of individuals who compose a society and which supports its major institutions’ . These rites of passage, rituals or life cycles can represent a multitude of transitions and transformations; from a boy to a man or a warrior, a woman to a wife or entering the real world as child. This essay will examine life cycles or rituals of passage and how society structures this. Three main transitions or life cycles will be considered to explore this concept: birth, marriage and death, while Arnold van Gennep’s theory on rites of passage will be utilised to present ethnographic examples of ritual from Western, Chinese, Melanesian, Muslim, Indian, Pakistani, Armenian, Hindu, Papua New Guinean and South American societies. Rites of Passage Defining a rite of passage, commonly seen to be associated with or be a ritual, is complex when concerning multi-cultural interpretation and the global importance of the concept. However, Bobby Alexander’s definition provides an insight into the general understanding of what a rite of passage or ritual is, ‘†¦ a performance planned or improvised, that effects aShow MoreRelatedThe Rites Of Passage By Arnold Van Gennep1554 Words  | 7 PagesVan Gennep and Turner has introduced to all of us a different perspective in looking at and analyzing not only pilgrimage, but also how people understand and form ideas surrounding the change in states and statuses, and give meanings to the different parts of the journey. Through this transition, we will find that many of the societal roles of those who take on the journey are suspended. 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Originally theorized by anthropologist Arnold Van Gennep (date), rites-of-passage configure social status-changes into a visible tr ipartite process denoted by a starting point of separation, followed by a transitional (or liminal) stage, and concluding with a reinstallation back into society under the new station (CITE). While the process is undertaken by, and therefore has been ostensibly created for, the individual initiate, rites-of-passage are constituted andRead MoreWhat Rules and Boundaries Govern Our Everyday Interactions2234 Words  | 9 Pagesalways obvious and spoken. Our society is made up of different cultures and social classes, however as individuals we all share one thing in common. â€Å"In our lives we will pass through many series of passages, from one state to another, usually marked through ‘special acts’ such as a ceremony â€Å" (Gennep, 1960). These special acts are constrained with rules and boundaries that aren’t inevitably apparent. 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In this essay I will explain what a rite of passage is and what graduation is. Also, I will discuss how graduation is approached as a rite of passage in my culture, and what celebration in regards to graduation looks like and means to many. Almost all, if not all cultures have rites of passage integrated into
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