Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hitler Essays -- essays research papers

Hitler The year was 1929, the Great Depression had hit hard all over the world. People were losing their jobs, and their way of life was changing drastically right before their eyes; the people needed money fast. They needed to rebuild their lives and get back on their feet again, economically, politically, and socially. They needed a way out of this slump fast, and Hitler was there for the rescue. In 1933, Germany was facing a high unemployment level, leaving people to fend for themselves on the streets, Hitler took advantage of the peoples low moral and made them big promises of the dawn of a new era for Germany. The social classes lost their meanings. The middle-class was ruined by the Depression: they were stripped of their livelihoods. The Nazi's promised them the one thing that were desperately in need of to survive: Bread! The Nazi's promised to give the farmers repossession of their land. Hitler had a way of persuading people to do what he wants. He knew what the people wanted and how to make them believe that they were actually going to get it. Hitler was given a chance to go into power despite the doubts of he ability to rule from the Communists and Socialist parties. Unfortunately the both parties were wrong, he was voted into power , in March and was elected without a parliament. Hitler proclaimed a "New Germany." He believed that German culture was to be kept solid. His way of purifying their race was to burn books Americans, Jew, and Non-Germans. The philosophy was that if you destroy the ideas in the books, you destroy the people's ability to hold and be aware of any other beliefs than what they are told. The people of Germany were not exposed to any ideas that contradicted the beliefs of Hitler. Hitler believed and was correct, that if you destroy and reason for someone to disagree with you, you limit the person's knowledge which limits them from deciding what's right and wrong. Hitler had a way of captivating his audience, he made promises to his people that made them feel strong, proud, and gave them a sense of salvation. He gave them something for which to look forward to. Hitler loved to speak to a large group of people. They were taken by his presence and enchanted by the words he spoke and the emotion he generated through the crowd. His audience would stand there d... ... Hitler attempted to destroy any one or thing that rose against him. September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland, and on the third of that month, Great Britain's Prime Minister declared war with Germany. Hitler was a brilliant man when it came to planning and organizing people, he had a power to make people follow him blindly with out any question. He fueled the people with dreams and goals of economic and social growth. Unfortunately he had talents but used them immorally. The world might have been a better place if Hitler's skills were used to manage relief fund for the people struggling due to the depression. Hitler was able to rise to power because he focused on the weak and offered them something that they could have never dreamed of. Hitler was allowed to grow so efficiently because he faced no opposition, because of an intimidation factor over his neighboring nations; they feared defeat and did not want to their people in the line of danger until absolutely necessary. The European nation might have thought that if they leave Hitler alone or give him what he wants he would leave them alone. That lethargic attitude almost destroyed the free world.

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